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What is a Wrap Document?

The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) requires group health plans to have a written plan document and a summary plan description (SPD). The SPD needs to be provided to all participants upon enrollment in the plan. Insurance carrier documents including the contract, policy or certificate booklet (collectively, the certificates) do not generally satisfy the ERISA requirement.

A Wrap document essentially “wraps” around the insurance carrier’s certificate of coverage providing all the required ERISA language. A Wrap document can also combine or bundle multiple employee-sponsored plans into a single document which helps to simplify 5500 filings.

Wrap Benefits

  • Use one document to satisfy the ERISA SPD requirement and other disclosure requirements
  • Use one document for all of the employers health and welfare benefits
  • File one Form 5500 rather than a separate one for each benefit

Wrap Requirements
If an employer is subject to ERISA they're required to:

  • Have a written plan document for each group and welfare benefit plan
  • Have a SPD for each group and welfare benefit plan
  • Keep their plan records for 6 years
  • File an IRS Form 5500 if they have more than 100 participants

It's simple to create Wrap documents for your clients

Wrap documents created on EnsuredCompliance® include both the required SPD and Plan document, are fully compliant and take minutes to create. The system also stores documents for 7 years making it easy to find and manage current and old documents.

Learn how EnsuredCompliance can help

Wrap documents are one of several different types of document types available on the EnsuredCompliance platform. Our unique solution allows you to input the required data and generate a customized fully compliant document within minutes.

"EnsuredCompliance produces a very professional branded document. Ease of use is number 1! Also, RTO's support is stellar!"

Joni Horvath

Flexible Benefits and COBRA Supervisor at J.W. Terrill

JW Terill

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